A apărut azi pe FB link (via) la biografia publicată pe site-ul Monicăi Gabor din care nu mă pot opri și o să redau câteva pasaje halucinante. Nu știu cine l-a scris, e in engleză și îl las așa, ca nu cumva să știrbesc din strălucirea superlativelor aberante.

E drăguță și pagina de blog de pe site, care a fost lăsată, așa, cu un prim post, ăla automat de la WordPress, Hello, World! Și, desigur, nu are nici o trimitere către FB sau conturi pe alte rețele sociale. Iar pe FB, aparent contul ei este: Monica Gabor& Mr Pink. Ultimul update: 30 iunie.

Citiți și vă minunați. Sau râdeți. Sau ceva.

Monica Gabor [is] a highly accomplished model who is cherished as a national treasure in Romania. (…) Constantly in high demand by the world’s top names in the fashion, advertising, and media industries, as both a celebrity host and guest, Ms. Gabor has cemented her international celebrity status where she is now widely considered as one of the most famous Romanians in history.

Ms. Gabor credits Stela Popescu and Alexandru Arsinel, fashion icons of Romania, with jumpstarting her career.
As one of the nation’s most beloved stars, Monica was asked to appear at every major event around the globe: [such as] (…) Callatis Festival, the largest musical and cultural event in Romania.

The nation of Romania has an obsession with Ms. Gabor. (…) As Romania’s most famous and successful model and media personality, Ms. Gabor has received several of Romania’s top awards and accolades for her remarkable career.

She also hosted the Opera Ball, Romania’s most important cultural event, where “Lya Hubic??? awards are given to those individuals who have contributed to the worlds of science, literature, and other notable fields. The Lya Hubic award is the Romanian equivalent of the Nobel Prize.

[A trebuit să caut pe net Lya Hubic. E o cântăreață de Operă care a cântat la Opera din Cluj-Napoca. A murit în 2006]


In addition to her global recognition and numerous achievements as an international model, spokesperson and media personality, Ms. Gabor is endowed with a great sense of public service. Although she is often referred to as one of the “most beautiful women in the world???, Ms. Gabor never neglects her intellectual development.

No portrait of Ms. Gabor would be complete without this humanitarian aspect of her character, which is as noteworthy as her breathtaking physical beauty. Ms. Gabor has expressed a deep love and respect for the United States, and she is currently pursuing ways in which she can have a meaningful role through philanthropy in the U.S. As a result, in the same way she is considered a national treasure of Romania, she is quickly becoming a beloved figure in the U.S. as well.

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