Anul ăsta am luat o pauză de la ceremonie. Știam că cea mai mare parte a favoriților mei n-aveau să câștige, știam că Chris Rock o să aibă un speech despre care oricum o să vorbească toată lumea, că Julianne Moore, Cate Blanchett și Jennifer Lawrence vor fi printre cele mai bine îmbrăcate și că programul meu de azi îmi impunea câteva ore bune de somn! Bașca, deși am sperat că totuși nu, campania de PR a lui Leo și ursul au primit ceea ce va fi numit de-acum The Pity Oscar și nu merita să-mi stric somnul pentru asta.
Apropo, ca să știe toată lumea: nici un urs real n-a jucat în film. Toți urșii care au venit la casting au fost considerați prea grași, iar ???animalul sălbatic??? care l-a cotonogit pe Leo a fost adăugat în postproducție. Și copacii de care s-a tot bușit erau din cauciuc. True story!
Dar am răsfoit azi dimineata, devreme, discursurile și transcrierea interviurilor din backstage, și am extras de acolo câteva chestii care mi-au plăcut, după cum puteți citi mai jos. Dacă vreți! Dacă nu, nu.
Dintre favoriții mei a câștigat doar Mark Rylance, care a avut unul dintre cele mai faine și articulte discursuri pe care le-am auzit vreodată la Oscaruri… și nu numai.
I’ve always just adored stories, hearing them, seeing them, being in them, so for me to have the chance to work with, I think, one of the greatest storytellers of our time, Steven Spielberg, it’s just been such an honor. And unlike some of the leaders we’re being presented with these days, he leads with such love that he’s surrounded by masters in every craft on his film, every craft, not the least, Mr. Tom Hanks. People, I’m so pleased that our film has been nominated so many times, and as a face of the film, I meet many people in the streets and it’s lovely to have them, they’re always saying to me, “would it help???? and all that stuff. And I think, if you ever wondered about acting with Tom Hanks, would it help. The answer’s clearly yes.
I want to just say thank you to my fellow nominees. I don’t know how they separate my acting from your glorious acting in these wonderful films that you’re in, which everyone must see. I don’t know how they separated the five of us from all the other supporting actors who are making films at the moment. It’s a wonderful time to be an actor and I’m proud to be part of it. Thank you.
Și câteva selecții din Q&A-ul pe care Mark Rylance l-a avut cu presa imediat după ce a primit Oscarul.
Despre speech: I find people who come up and say things, you know, about competing as actors and I know that it’s necessary to make a show out of it, but those actors are so good, I would be happy just to be ‑‑ I feel like more I’m a spokesman when you win than something that’s better than the other nominees. And I know that there’s so many wonderful nominees just outside the five of us: Idris Elba and Paul Dano and all kinds of actors too, so I don’t take it too seriously.
Despre filmări: We shot on the Glienicke Bridge in Berlin which is where the actual exchange took place, and it was incredibly cold and we had to wear all kinds of things in our shoes and in our gloves and then Chancellor Merkel came along about 2:00 in the morning, with no hat, no scarf, no gloves, and stayed for about 45 minutes talking with everyone, looking at the camera and everything. She was a little disappointed I didn’t speak Russian, she saw through me right away. But that was very remarkable to make a film of an event that had actually taken place in that space and that’s one of the pleasures of working with someone like Spielberg.
Și asta, tot de la el:
Q: As we speak, Lupita Nyong’o from Africa is going to be starring on Broadway for ECLIPSED, but I know you mentioned Broadway. Do you think that’s a better way or another avenue that African‑American actors can take to kind of diversify the industry?
A. I think African‑American actors are in a stronger position now thanks a lot to what Chris Rock has done tonight and what the activists who have been raising the issue around this awards ceremony have said. And I think also there’s a big issue for women, for actresses and the lack of ‑‑ that’s been as big an issue for me in these months coming up to this, the revelations about just how dominated this major storytelling form of our culture is by men. I know it’s true in the Shakespeare of work where I work, that the parts, there aren’t the King Lear parts for the great actresses. So I hope that this kind of ‑‑ this awareness that’s been raised very humorously by Chris tonight and angrily by other people, understandably, I hope that’s going to create a lot more diversity. It’s of course not just for the performers, it’s a matter of audiences taking this on, it’s a matter of audiences not just going out for the thrill or the safe bet, but taking a bet on more unusual films and more unusual plays that tell stories about issues or people who are in the minority in society. Wouldn’t you think? Yeah. So I hope this will do a little bit more to change the story and diversify the stories that we listen to and watch.
Ce mi-a mai plăcut? Ce a zis Iñárritu despre storytelling. L-au întrebat același lucru și pe Leo, că au făcut interviul împreună, da’ Leo a dat-o în bălării.
What do you love about being a storyteller?
Alejandro G. Iñárritu: For me, it just basically I think that life is so uncontrollable. I think we are all the time, you know, it’s impermanent, everything. And I think that storytelling is a way for us to feel, in a way, can confront a huge amount of emotions and possibilities and feel, you know, beautiful and horrible emotions, but always in a way being in a comfortable zone knowing there is another story that can teach us a lot. So it’s a way to control life, you know, to have an oxygen capsule of life without suffering for real, that can teach us for when the time comes, for being in love or do we have a problem, we can suddenly get what is that idea. So storytelling is, I think, oxygen for life that protect us. You know, that’s how I feel.
Mi-a mai plăcut și un fragment din Q&A-ul de la scenariu adaptat, câștigat de The Big Short:
Q. Now that you’re a serious filmmaker with an Academy Award, can we count on an ANCHORMAN 3 or are we through?
A. (Adam McKay) My next movie is going to be about cholesterol. And it’s going to be in black and white, and it’s going to be Shostakovich scoring it. It’s going to be the grimmest movie you’ve ever seen in your life. And Charles is going to write it
A. (Charles Randolph) Of course.
A. (Adam McKay) … while with pneumonia.
Dacă nici ăsta nu e umor, nu știu ce mai e. Iar The Big Short e delicios și din motivul ăsta, cu toate că tratează un subiect care ne-a afectat – și nu puțin! – pe toți!
În fine, ultimul extras e din Q&A-ul lui Brie Larson, și e despre presă vs artiști. Sau invers.
Q. I just wanted to ask a question. With SPOTLIGHT winning Best Picture, one of the really devastating scenes in ROOM was involving the media, and I read that that was an important scene to you, and I just wondered if you could expand on that and say kind of how you feel about that.
A. (…) So I think from the journalist’ point of view, always remembering that we are human beings. We are sensitive, loving human beings that deeply at the core of ourselves are worried that we are unlovable. And I think if we can constantly keep that in our heads, especially when we’re interviewing and try instead to get into the soul of a person, and not just worry so much about maybe a earpiece that’s in your ear that’s, you know, your boss telling you that you have to ask something 30 times. I understand that you’re trying to keep your job; but at the same time, we are people, and I think if we can get back to the humanity of this and respect boundaries, we are going to go a long way, and we are going to get real truth instead of performances for TV.
Și, de final, o imagine care mi-a plăcut mie mult, apropo de Room, Brie cu puștiul, înainte să urce ea pe scenă pentru a-și lua premiul. Se vede legătura faină dintre ei:
O ultimă remarcă: multe dintre filmele de anul ăsta sunt inspirate din întâmplări adevărate: Room, The Big Short, Spotlight, Danish Girl, chiar și The Revenant. Viața bate filmul!
Și, în această notă apoteotico-amuza(n)tă, terminarăm și cu Oscarul 2016!
Credit foto: ©A.M.P.A.S.
Nu prea am vazut pe nicaieri, dar e drept ca nici n-am citit foarte mult despre film, dar se spune pe undeva de ce sunt mama si copilul inchisi in camera aia?
Am citit cartea si cel putin in mini-recenziile ei se spune, dar n-am intalnit in sinopsis-urile filmului.
filmul e inspirat dintr-o carte, iar cartea inspirata dintr-un caz real petrecut in austria. cauta “fritzl” pe google. povestea din realitate e inca si mai horror.
`cel` mai bine imbracate, nu `cele` mai bine imbracate`