Începând de astăzi, pentru trei zile (poate mai mult, dacă găsesc mai mult răgaz), vă prezint câteva dintre lucrurile discutate la PR Summit săptămâna trecută la Miami, locul în care s-a reunit crema cremelor din PR-ul global pentru discuţii dar şi pentru Sabre Awards Gala. Prima însemnare din această miniserie este o corespondenţă specială, în exclusivitate pentru blogul meu, de la Amith Prabhu, participant la PR Summit, care lucrează la Edelman, cea mai mare firmă de PR din lume. Am editat un pic, dar nu am tradus rândurile lui Amith şi nici nu cred că e nevoie, fiindcă dacă nu ştiţi (măcar) engleză, nu prea aveţi ce căuta în industria comunicării. Enjoy reading!

The Global PR Summit was organized by The Holmes Report was a great two days of insights, interaction and inspiration for the Global PR community. The Day 0 was dedicated to the independent PR firms which discussed concerns, challenges and opportunities of firms that are not part of global networks and most of which are prominent within the country of their origin.

Day One began with breakfast roundtables followed by Welcome and introduction with Paul Holmes and a conversation with Marc Pritchard, Global CMO of P&G, which was insightful. This was followed by sponsored panels by the global PR firms and culminating with a lecture on Ethics in Influence by Lord Chadlington (foto) who enthralled the audience with a hard hitting speech in which he said while there is a comparison of Lawyers with PR professionals, “Lawyers represent cases in courts, which are structured and designed to guarantee fairness and equality of argument. PR people on the other hand, operate in a court of public opinion where no counterbalancing argument is guaranteed or governed by an accepted set of rules. For me, therefore, the argument breaks down???

He suggested several questions PR professionals need to ask themselves, including whether they sometimes are used as a front to do things with which clients do not wish to associate themselves, and whether the commercial drive might make then less willing to make their own moral position known. The highlight of the evening was the SABRE Awards where 50 of the world’s best PR programs of 2011 were honored. Unfortunately there were no awards for India. (Dar a fost unul pentru România, GG, The Practice!)

Day Two began with the another set of roundtables which was followed by the keynote address of the day by John Iawata – Global Marketing Chief of IBM, who spoke on the New Models of Communication: “It’s no longer about raising awareness in a world that is saturated with awareness. It’s about making people believe. Belief is much more difficult, but it unlocks the behavior we are seeking???

This was followed by a series of sponsored panels led by various firms. The interesting feature on both days was breakout sessions which had fifteen topics focusing on geographical regions, communications themes and Public Relations thrusts.

The Global Summit was an event whose time had come. Despite Hurricane Sandy affecting in-person participation the organizers managed to loop in several PR consultancy leaders via phone-ins. All eyes are already on the second summit and the online and offline conversations that will take place between now and then. ♦
