E trist când artiștii pe care i-ai ascultat de când te știi se duc. Azi, Joe Cocker, cel a cărui voce mi-a interpretat de multe ori gândurile și mi-a alinat adesea tristețile.
M-am gândit nițel care mi-ar fi cântecul meu favorit din repertoriul lui, dar n-am putut alege doar unul, ci trei, și chiar și pe astea cu ceva greutate! Și am mai postat câteva citate din niște interviuri, așa, de reamintire.
Despre muzică
I don’t listen to myself very much. Some of the songs I do once in a while that I kinda my set list is basically like my hits, there is a good reason why they are there; people really like them. There is one song that I do “Highway, Highway,” it didn’t make this album, it was by Steve Davis and that’s probably one of my all time favorites. I have always been a sucker for ballads, but you have to be careful these days, you can’t overload people.
I absolutely hated Up Where We Belong when I first heard it. But I could tell as we were putting the track down that it was going to be a big record. It was the only No 1 I ever had in America.
Despre Woodstock
The experience itself, the more I look back on it was what was valuable. I have sung to large crowds since then, and there is a feeling that once you get over 100,000 people, you kind of lose the control element, you don’t know if you are really getting through or not. When we did that show, it was only a one-hour set. The song “Let’s Get Stoned” came through about three-quarters of the way through. All of a sudden, I kinda felt like it was just this social — everyone smoking pot happened, but until then I felt they were enduring what I was doing but not really diggin’ it, and those last three or four numbers I just could feel this weird sort of consciousness, you know what I mean? We felt like we were getting through to them, it was very strange. Once you get into entertaining a quarter of a million people, it’s a very weird place to be.
Despre mișcarea lui scenică
I actually saw myself with Eric Clapton – you know you see all your old stuff on YouTube now – and I was horrified at myself, with my arms just flailing around. I guess that came with my frustration at never having played piano or guitar. If you see me nowadays I’m not quite so animated, but it’s just a way of trying to get feeling out – I get excited and it all comes through my body.
Dar ce zici de “you can leave your hat on” in filmul “9 1/2 weeks”?
A trecut ceva timp(ani!) de la ultimul comentariu la un text de-al tau si m-am gandit sa-ti ofer o mostra de umor american: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOgd9hitEAE