I-am văzut în concert acum trei ani, concertul lor de revenire în şi la formula iniţială: Skye Edwards şi cei doi fraţi Godfrey, Ross şi Paul, după lansarea Blood Like Lemonade. Un fel de Morcheeba aşa cum îi ştiam, inconfundabili dar cu sound un pic diferit, nebulos, dacă e să mă iau după descrierea lui Ross.
Suficient de ironic (viaţa bate filmul, nu?) la scurt timp după lansarea albumului Blood Like Lemonade, Paul a aflat că are diabet, lucru care s-a dovedit aproape salutar: i-a schimbat regimul de viaţă şi l-a ajutat să devină mai responsabil şi mai încrezător. Ross a renunţat la o carieră de compozitor pentru muzică de film şi a revenit la Londra, dedicat proiectelor trupei, şi, de astă primăvară, a aflat, din proprie experienţă, cum e rolul de tată. Şi Skye are copii, mari deja, şi experienţa a trei albume solo. Noile responsabilităţi apărute în viaţa fiecăruia au dus la cea una dintre cele mai bune colaborări, cea din care a rezultat albumul Head Up High.
Skye and I really connected on this album, more than before. We found we had so much common ground. I have a huge respect for her, zice Paul despre lucrul la Head Up High. Este albumul cu numărul opt în cei 18 ani de la înfiinţarea trupei.
N-au mai pornit cu chitara, au pornit cu ritmul, peste care s-a adăugat linia melodică şi apoi versurile. Şi le place stilul ăsta, le place cum a ieşit noul album, şi nici criticii nu s-au sfiit să-l laude.
I took phrases I admired from a load of my favourite books – writers like Philip K. Dick – put them in a bag and drew them out, putting relevant ones together, and the mood and feeling of a song would come together from that. It was just a nice, fresh way of approaching it. With the English language, it’s so difficult to reinvent the wheel, despite its flexibility, spune Paul despre versuri.
O să vă placă albumul ăsta şi o să vă placă şi concertul prin care şi-l promovează, parte a unui turneu mondial pe care trupa l-a pornit în această toamnă. Mâine ajung şi la Bucureşti, la Arenele Romane, şi vă sfătuiesc să nu-i rataţi. O mână de ajutor vă dau şi eu acum, cu o invitaţie dublă, dar, pentru mai multă siguranţă găsiţi bilete aici.
Pentru a intra în posesia invitaţiei, as vrea să-mi spuneţi versurile voastre preferate din oricare cântec de pe Head Up High. Mâine la prânz aflăm cine merge la concert! Unul – se cuvine să spun! – organizat de Events! Şi nu că muzica n-ar fi suficientă în sensul ăsta, dar e bine să ştiţi că e vorba de un cort încălzit!
LE: Conform random.org a câştigat Andra Nicula. Multumesc pentru comentarii, tuturor, şi sper ca o sa va oferiti bucuria de a merge la concert. Chiar si cu bilet cumparat! :D
take the liberty
versuri am spus.
Staring straight into my eyes
No surprise, yeah you’re hypnotized
Looking right through your lies
It’s not wise, got you paralysed
I’ve been your fool a thousand times
I can’t believe I thought you’d be mine
And now you’re saying you’re too tired to try
And like a fool I’m asking you ‘why?’
You call it love
And you took everything I could give you
And now you don’t owe anyone a thing
‘Cause it’s said and done
Go on now have your fun
Go on now have your fun
Love your style, when you’re wild
Sweet reptile
I’ll handle you, handle you
Layers of scales tell the tales
We can’t fail
I’ll handle you, handle you
“yeah, I don’t need your love,
yeah, I’m gonna split your blood!” Face of danger
You call it love
And you took everything I could give you
And now you don’t owe anyone
A thing ’cause it’s said and done
Go on now have your fun
Go on now have your fun
Call it love
Staring straight into my eyes
No surprise, yeah you’re hypnotized
Looking right through your lies
It’s not wise, got you paralysed
“I let you lead me, let you take control
Will you bless my heart or curse my soul
I hope you know that you’re the only one
So before too long, dominate my dreams tonight”
(“Make Believer”)
Let`s see…. I think from the song “Make Believer”:
I let you lead me, let you take control
Will you bless my heart or curse my soul
I hope you know that you’re the only one
So before too long, dominate my dreams tonight
I move around my senses like I’m halfway to bliss
There are many things I’ve done but none of them I miss
How can I be certain thar in spite of myself
You May be the perfect partner of someone else
Aftel much consideration only one thing remaing
While I’m seekeing pleasure I’m causing your pain
Let’s try to get together
I don’t wanna take another chance
We should really try to get together
Let the past be the past
Call it love
Call it whatever you want if it suits you
Take what you need
Take everything that this world has to give you
And you won’t owe anyone a thing when it’s said and done
Go on now have your fun
Go on now have your fun
I’ve been your fool a thousand times
I can’t believe I thought you’d be mine
And now you’re saying you’re too tired to try
And like a fool I’m asking you ‘why?’
” Call it love”
Sunt convinsă că întreg albumul este fain, însă versurile melodiei Call it love, au pentru mine o sensibilitate aparte :” Call it love
Call it whatever you want if it suits you
Take what you need
Take everything that this world has to give you
And you won’t owe anyone a thing when it’s said and done
Go on now have your fun
Go on now have your fun”
Melodia mea preferata e call it love si n-am sa o scriu pe toata dar o sa scriu versulie astea:
i’ve been your fool of thousand times/i can’t believe i have thought you’d be mine
“And now I’m lost inside your mind
It’s a maze in so many ways
You keep me guessing all the time
Lover come now but will you stay”
You call it love
And you took everything I could give you
And now you don’t owe anyone
A thing ’cause it’s said and done
Go on now have your fun
Plusez cu astea două versuri, deși erau și altele.
”After much consideration only one thing remains/
While I’m seeking pleasure I’m causing you pain”
Time wasted, looking out something that never was to be
Other loves that we’ve taken, knowing all along
That it could’ve been you and me, it could’ve been us, all along, it should’ve been us all along
Mie versurile ăstea îmi plac cel mai mult:
??? I don’t know the speech
I wanna know the speaker
I didn’t watch the view but I know the seer
I don’t know the mind but I know the thinker
And in this world of subtraction
Love is all and everlasting…???
Finally Found You
It’s time for one of us to draw a line
So that the two of us can clearly see
And I refuse to keep on losing
To a world you don’t wanna keep
“Curled up in my brain like a wisp of smoke
Tension’s rising high I can feel it in my throat
Hell is other people that I want to escape
The nature of the problem is all bent out of shape” :)
Poison or medicine
Black snake has shed its skin
Coiled up, let me in
Speak in tongues, I’m in a spin
Sacred space, hiding place, serpent face
I’ll handle you, handle you
Poised to strike, deadly bite
Despite my fright
I’ll handle you, handle you
A sparrow in a dream
Returns to its final peace
It’s both seen and unseen
In a world of exaction
It’s so easy to lose traction, but I
I don’t know the speech
I wanna know the speaker
I didn’t watch the view but I know the seer
I don’t know the mind but I know the thinker
And in this world of subtraction
Love is all and everlasting, and I
Finally found you
A ray of light through a fog that
Had long obscured my view
Now I’m so free I could disappear
You and me we’re meant to be
Walking free in harmony
One fine day we’ ll fly away
Don’ t you know that Rome wasn’ t built in a day
astea nu sunt de pe Head Up High
Call it love
Call it whatever you want if it suits you
Take what you need
Take everything that this world has to give you
And you won’t owe anyone a thing when it’s said and done
Go on now have your fun
Go on now have your fun
Say it all
Play it all
Give it all
Get it all
Sway whit me
Play with me
Stay with me
Lay with me
Say it all
Play it all
Give it all
Get it all
Come feel the love
Feel my love (x3)
My love
My love
My love
“Feeling lonely
Feeling numb
Turn your face into the sun
Your new start has just begun”
Do you good
“Leave me as you find me in an elegant mess
I want to feel untouchable like Elliott Ness
I move around my senses like I’m halfway to bliss
There are many things I’ve done but none of them I miss”
(Morcheeba-To Be)
Laughing in the face of danger
In this passion of a stranger
Finally Found You
I don’t know the speech
I wanna know the speaker
I didn’t watch the view but I know the seer
I don’t know the mind but I know the thinker
And in this world of subtraction
Love is all and everlasting, and I
Finally found you
A ray of light through a fog that
Had long obscured my view
Now I’m so free I could disappear
Shoot from the hip make it quick but don’t sweat it
Or here’s a tip, zip your lip and forget it
Whichever way, worries gonna waste your time – din piesa “Release Me Now”.
“Curled up in my brain like a wisp of smoke”, din melodia “To Be”
Put me in danger and I feel no fear
Take something from me and I’ll shed no tears
I’m self-contained and I want what I need
You have to work hard just to see me bleed
Din Face of Danger
Si eu i-am descoperit abia ieri, Ruxa :(